Green chemistry seminar videos

Join the Portland, Oregon section of the American Chemical Society for a couple of wonderful talks on Green Chemistry. First, Dr. David Stuart, Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Portland State University, offers a brief introduction to Green Chemistry and an example from his lab. Next, Dr. Tom Wilson, retired Director of Materials Technology at Nike,Continue reading “Green chemistry seminar videos”

Nobel Prize Laureate Eric Betzig

“I would never call myself a chemist,” said Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2014 recipient Eric Betzig. Betzig was the 2015 speaker at the annual Mark Gurevitch Memorial Lecture Series, hosted by the Physics Department at Portland State University. During his lecture at Hoffman Hall on May 14, Betzig spoke about his career and his prize-winningContinue reading “Nobel Prize Laureate Eric Betzig”

SWEETLab brings water to Rwanda

In January 2015, Sustainable Water, Energy and Environmental Technologies Laboratory (SWEETLab) finished setting up nearly half a million filters and stoves in Rwanda, many of which contain new sensors that communicate their status over the Internet, ­according to SWEETLab Director and Portland State Mechanical & Materials ­Engineering Assistant ­Professor Evan Thomas. Learn more from Dr.Continue reading “SWEETLab brings water to Rwanda”

Landslide science

Check out my latest story on landslides in the Pacific Northwest and the geologists that are working to make landslides more predictable. Here’s a video supplement to the story:

Interview with an Extreme Biologist

Don’t miss my interview and short article about the groundbreaking work of Dr. Ken Stedman, whose recent research has uncovered a similarity between HIV and a type of virus that finds its home in acidic, volcanic hot springs.

Portland State Society of Women Engineers

Last week I produced a video along with a couple of photos and a short news story for the Portland State Vanguard, available at this link. In this multimedia piece, local officers Katherine Flenniken, Moira Gion, and Becky Russo speak about the benefits that the group offers to students and the goals of their currentContinue reading “Portland State Society of Women Engineers”

Collaborative Life Sciences Building and Tilikum Crossing

My first video for the Portland State Vanguard is now available online at this link. In the video, Dr. Jason Podrabsky, chair of the biology department, speaks about the benefits that the new Collaborative Life Sciences Building (CLSB) benefits students in the biology department. One of the photos in the slideshow at the top ofContinue reading “Collaborative Life Sciences Building and Tilikum Crossing”