Teaching Philosophy & Values

Core beliefs about learning

I believe that learning should be a liberating experience that empowers individuals to understand their world and blossom as individuals. My role as a teacher is to facilitate this process by creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment where students feel comfortable taking risks and engaging actively in their own education. I emphasize compassion and understanding, recognizing that students may face challenges that impact their learning. I strive to provide flexibility and support to help them overcome these obstacles.

Teaching goals

My primary goal is to equip students with the skills and knowledge they need to become lifelong learners. This involves more than simply conveying information. I aim to foster a passion for learning and cultivate curiosity, encouraging students to become independent thinkers and problem solvers. While it is difficult to quantify these intangible qualities, I assess their progress by observing their engagement, intellectual growth, and self-directed learning outside the classroom.

Teaching methods

My teaching approach emphasizes hands-on learning and diverse learning methods. I utilize analogies, diagrams, physical models, and computational simulations to help students grasp complex concepts intuitively. I employ a blended teaching style that combines direct instruction, guided practice, and independent problem-solving activities. To foster inclusivity and engagement, I actively seek diverse perspectives and encourage respectful dialogue in the classroom. Additionally, I openly acknowledge my own diverse experiences and challenges to create a more relatable and approachable learning environment.

Assessment and improvement

I value feedback from students and colleagues as a crucial tool for improving my teaching practice. I encourage open communication through anonymous surveys, informal conversations, and office hours. I actively analyze feedback and strive to implement meaningful changes based on student needs and suggestions.

Professional development

I am committed to continuous learning and professional development in the field of education. I am eager to explore evidence-based teaching practices and incorporate them into my own teaching style. I am particularly interested in integrating research and engineering into my curriculum, encouraging students to apply their knowledge to real-world problems and contribute meaningful research on a limited budget.

Challenges and aspirations

As an individual with ADHD and anxiety, I understand the challenges that students may face due to personal circumstances. I actively work to overcome my own challenges through self-management strategies and professional support. My experience has strengthened my empathy and dedication to creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment for all students. My ultimate aspiration is to foster a community of learners who are passionate about knowledge, capable of independent thought, and prepared to contribute meaningfully to the world.